Powerlotus Products
Product basic covering the entire low-voltage electrical field, for the electric power, telecommunications, petrochemical, steel, aviation, machinery and other industries to provide intelligent power distribution solutions.

Powerlotus is a professional manufacturer of industrial electrical appliances. In 2011, it set up Jiangsu Powerlotus Electrical Co., Ltd. with China’s low-voltage ...


Focus on customers

Customers should not only understand the function of our products,.
In addition to the headquarters of China ,We have established branches in the United States, Canada, Australia, and more branches are increasing. Business operations in these countries so that we can more closely close to the international customer base,…
Contact Us

Service Hotline

Powerlotus Industrial Park, No. 1277, Yingbin Middle Road, Kunshan High-tech 1277, Yingbin Middle Road, Kunshan High-tech Zone, Kunshan, Jiangsu, P.R. China (Production Base)

Tel:0512 - 5035 5555

Fax:0512 - 5035 3555

We always advocate“Green wisdom”

Share environmentally-friendly electrical and technological achievements

Green Wisdom=Green of Process+Green of Product+Green by Technology

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