
Social Responsibility


Corporation Social Responsibility

Corporation Social Responsibility(CSR)

1、Take social problems honestly and perform responsibilities positively. Powerlotus strives to research worldwide topics in such fields as energy, environment, communication and digital network technologies for the sustainable development of the earth.

2、Improve operational and financial mechanisms, put "Life • Safe, Lawful" first and enhance sustainability. Powerlotus should try its best to improve its financial mechanisms on the basis of stable income and be trusted by interested parties.

Business Philosophy

Commonness Build a common business with common ideals, goals and values, as well as decorate the common planet with green technologies.

Inclusiveness Realize the harmonious inclusiveness between enterprises and the society by the integration of technologies, philosophies and culture.

Sharing Share results and wisdom with customers, partners, employees and shareholders and green technologies with the society.


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Service Hotline

Powerlotus Industrial Park, No. 1277, Yingbin Middle Road, Kunshan High-tech 1277, Yingbin Middle Road, Kunshan High-tech Zone, Kunshan, Jiangsu, P.R. China (Production Base)

Tel:0512 - 5035 5555

Fax:0512 - 5035 3555

We always advocate“Green wisdom”

Share environmentally-friendly electrical and technological achievements

Green Wisdom=Green of Process+Green of Product+Green by Technology

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